🚀Currently in Beta

Track YourEntertainment Journey

Your personal movie and TV series companion. Keep track of what you watch, discover new content, and never miss an episode again.

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Powerful Features for Movie Lovers

Everything you need to manage your entertainment life in one place

Smart Tracking

Track movies, TV series episodes, and get notifications for new releases


Find new content with advanced filters, genres, and recommendations

iCloud Sync

Secure backup and sync across your Apple devices

Our Roadmap

Exciting new features coming to My Movie Mate

In Progress

Browse by Filter

Q2 2025

Browse by filter, genre, year, rating, etc. replace the current search browse by genre


Family Sharing

Q2 2025

Share your watchlists and recommendations with friends


Pick a movie or TV series

Q2 2025

Don't know what to watch? Let the app pick a movie or TV series for you


Viewing Stats

Q3 2025

View your viewing stats, how many movies or TV series you have watched, how many you have in your watchlist, etc.

Known Issues

We're actively working on fixing these issues to improve your experience

Watchlist: Tv Series

Fix Coming Soon
High Priority

The watchlist for TV series is currently not working as intended, if you have watched the whole series it will not mark it as watched

Location Manager

Medium Priority

Location Manager is currently not enabled, so the app will not be able to use your location to pick a movie or TV series for you, it will only be able to pick a movie or TV series for you based on your iPhones internal location

Tv Series: Episode Watched

High Priority

When you are viewing a TV Series in its detailed view, and if you want to mark all episodes as watched, it will not work as intended